Monday, December 1, 2008

Military Collectibles = Amazing Fashion?

I'm not quiet sure how I came across this one, but it was definitely in one of the most obscure corners of the Internet.
Alright, stay with me on this one. Think military surplus, but on a global scale and with actually worthwhile merchandise. This site has an array of incredibly varied items. Take for example these Czech army issue glasses that have bullet proof frames and look incredibly like retro Ray-Bans...I can guarantee no one on the block will be sporting these but you.
Or how about this French Navy seabag that looks like it could be the new South Beach fashion statement?The point is, there's a number of worthwhile items on this site that deserve a look. From the Italian Army issue blanket that's made out of suit-quality wool to a 10L French Army Wine Canister (Imagine showing up to a party with that...), I'm sure you'll find something you like. This place definitely has some interesting finds, you just have to search through the random to get to the good. Oh and if you're ever looking for outdoor gear this is undoubtedly the place to go, because nothing's better than military issued gear, and since most of this stuff is vintage, you'll look even more like the hardcore outdoors-men and -women you really are.

So take a look:

By the way, don't be warded off by the meat grinder they're selling on the front page, I honestly can't believe that with all of the great products these guys sell they decide to slap that on the homepage...sometimes I seriously wonder if these people are actually trying to make a profit...